2024 Upcoming Events, Meetings & Workshops
Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery 2024 Calendar of Events
January 9: CANCELLED Friends of Wolf Creek NFH Monthly Meeting - 1PM CST (Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery Classroom)
January 13: CANCELLED Intermediate Fly Tying Workshop 9 am CST $10.00 Registration Fee
January 20: Wolf Creek NFH at Kentuckiana Fly Fishing Show Shepherdsville, KY
February 10: 2nd Saturday Fly Fishing with Mark Lamberth10am CST No Charge but pre-registration is required. Call Marsha at: 270-343-3797
February 13: Friends of Wolf Creek NFH Monthly Meeting - 1PM CST
February 17: Fly Fishing 101 Workshop 8am-5pm CST Must pre-register, $75.00, call Makenzie: 270-343-3797(Limited Space)
March 12: Friends of Wolf Creek NFH Monthly Meeting - 1PM CST (Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery Classroom)
March 16: Mushroom Grow Bag Workshop 9-11 am CST. A $20.00 fee & pre- registration required.
April 9: Friends of Wolf Creek NFH Monthly Meeting - 1PM CST (Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery Classroom)
April 13: Fossil Workshop: 9-11:30 am CST
April 20: Earth Day Event 9-1p.m. CST
May 11: Beginner's Fly Tying Workshop Pre-Registration Fee $10.00 by May 6th . 9am-11am CST. Call Makenzie @ 270-343-3797
May 14: Friends of Wolf Creek NFH Monthly Meeting - 1PM CST (Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery Classroom)
May 25: Nature Photography Workshop 9 am-11am CST. Registration Fee $10.00 class size limited. Call Makenzie @270-343-3797
June 1: 36th Annual Catch A Rainbow Kids Fishing Derby 8:00a.m-3:00p.m. CST.
June 11: Friends of Wolf Creek NFH Monthly Meeting - 1PM CST (Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery Classroom)
June 20: The Longest Day of Play 8;30a.m.-11:00a.m. CST.
July 9: Friends of Wolf Creek NFH Monthly Meeting - 1PM CST (Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery Classroom)
August 13: Friends of Wolf Creek NFH Monthly Meeting - 1PM CST (Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery Classroom)
September 11: 11th Annual Wounded Warriors Fishing Event (must pre-register & fill out application) 6 am-3 pm CST
September 17: Friends of Wolf Creek NFH Monthly Meeting - 1PM CST (Russell County Library).
September 24: 15th Annual Catch A Smile Senior Fishing Derby 9am-12 pm CST (Registration begins @ 8 am CST)
September 25 & 26: 15th Annual reaching for Rainbows Special Needs Kids Fishing Derby 9 am-1pm CST
September 21: Nature Journaling Workshop-(am CST Partnered w/Russell County Public Library
October 8: Friends of Wolf Creek NFH Monthly Meeting - 1PM CST (Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery Classroom)
October 16: Russell County 4th Grade Outdoor Eco Adventure Day 8:30a.m.-1:30p.m. CST
October 25: Creepy Crawlies Workshop 5-7 pm CST
November 12: Friends of Wolf Creek NFH Monthly Meeting - 1PM CST (Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery Classroom)
December 7 : Christmas on Square in Jamestown 5:00p.m.-8:00p.m. CST
December 7: Holiday Open House/Nature Ornament Workshop 9:00a.m.-2:00p.m. CST
December 10: Friends of Wolf Creek NFH Monthly Meeting - 1PM CST (Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery Classroom)